- Getting lost on the way to Austin from Houston and having to pull numerous "bobgoblins" (i.e. U-Turns).
- Staying with our gracious host Alon at his lovely home, fully stocked with a lifetime supply of animal crackers and OJ.
- Our rockin' SXSW show at Red Eyed Fly (unfortunately plagued by technical difficulties!)
- The adorable glam/goth-y boys singing along in the front row at the show.
- Telling scary stories back at Alon's w/Kevin BigShot and the Arlo boy.
- Our radio interview where the guy said, "Wow, you guys are really good looking."
- Our Levi's photo shoot where we got lots of cool clothes and jumped into The Greenhornes hotel room bed shot!
- The Deathray Davies SXSW show where Princess danced on the stage and Bobgoblin drank beer onstage.
- Running into all our superstar cutie boy friends from NYC (The Realistics, Natural History, French Kicks, etc.) everywhere we went.
- Getting lost on the way back to Houston and having to pull numerous bobgoblins.
- Our awesome show in Houston at Fabulous Satellite Lounge which was followed by a fetish/horror strip show.
- Getting lost on the way back to Austin.
- Our Women In Rock showcase at Lucky Lounge where we played with Harlow from Bands on the Run and Princess had her guitar stolen right before the show.
- When Hallie broke her string during the WIR show and Princess played drums while Sivan and Karen sang an acapella version of Danzig's "Mother".
- Driving back to Houston to catch our flight, then having to drive back to Austin because Ren forgot her purse (at least it wasn't her viola this time! ;)
- Flying home with the Natural History boys.
Locked down at the Coolgrrrls Party in L.A., Jan. 2002
Goin' Back to Cali, Jan. 2002
It was cold and dreary in NYC, so we packed our bags and headed to L.A.--one
of our favorite places to play. Frank from Coolgrrrls invited us to play a
Grrrls Nite Out Party at Goldfinger's and although the stage was so small we
almost fell off and Princess blew up El Centro's amp, we still had a
fabulous time and got to hang out with some old and new friends: our kind
hosts Kiyoshi and Josh, Princess's ex Johnny Reno and his new squeeze Julie
Boo Boo, superstar hottie G.W. from the totally dope L.A. band 1976, Sivan's
best girl Amber, Hallie's special boy Amo, Ren's friends and family, and all
the L.A. Coolgrrrls! Other highlights from our trip include playing with
The Angoras at The Garage and with Captured by Robots at Spaceland. We
wished we could have stayed longer, but we know we'll be back soon...
Coolgrrrls Party at Goldfinger's
Almost Midwest Tour (June
2003) | UK Tour (July
2002) | SXSW Austin
(March 2002) | L.A.
(Jan. 2002) | Ladyfest
Midwest (August 2001) | U.S.
Tour (Spring 2001) | Cali
(May 2000)